Antonio, a young man with a modest job in a small town, leads a monotonous existence until he is transferred to Barcelona to work in an architecture studio. From that moment, a new life opens before his eyes. He befriends Lorenzo, one of his classmates. Lorenz...
Brillante Porvenir
Martin and Antoine, two French criminals, team up with Román and El Picas, a friend of the latter, to commit robberies in Barcelona, but things do not turn out as expected.
A Clean Shot
Berta, a woman with paranormal powers, begins working with a psychiatrist to unravel the mysterious murder of a woman named Renata.
One day, three young seamstresses who love nightlife and fun, upon returning to the house they share, find a seriously injured girl in the bathroom.
La cuarta ventana
La cárcel de cristal
Pleito de sangre
Father Barrera, a newly ordained priest, returns from Rome to join the national forces as a military chaplain. The horrors of war produce in him a commotion so great that panic dominates him and he is not able to overcome it. After spending some time on the fr...
El frente infinito