Nun of That is an action-comedy that follows Sister Kelly Wrath as she transforms from a nun with a simple temper problem to a vengeful killer. After being gunned down in an alley, she ascends to heaven to receive training from some of the great figures of rel...
Nun of That
FORCED SURVIVAL: A teenage girl enters a motel room to commit suicide, only to find a serial killer/rapist waiting for her. THE CALL GIRL: Two drugged out siblings decided to kill a Call Girl just for the thrill of it. But when the girl returns from the grave...
Detour Into Madness Vol. 2
Science-fiction B-movie spoof. A bunch of misfit high-schoolers must band together to stop an army of brain creatures from outer space that intend to kidnap Elvis Presley when he performs in a small New England town.
Atomic Brain Invasion
Suave swinger and womanizer Rex Romanski loves and leaves evil black magic priestess Rita Marie. Naturally, Rex incurs Rita's lethal wrath by spurning her. Can Rex figure out a way to stop Rita's subsequent rampage of revenge, murder, and destruction as well a...
The Disco Exorcist
Kenny Crawford arrives in Dunwich after hearing that his brother Andrew has been admitted to a psychiatric ward, and is suspected in a string of disappearances in the town. With the help of local reporter Marsha Calloway and the eccentric Upton Armitage he pro...
Beyond the Dunwich Horror
The owner of a fetish club finds out that, along with dealing with his wife who wants to leave him, his dying father, and the city wanting to close his club, he now has to deal with a psycho killer that's offing his employees and patrons.
Splatter Disco
Right There pays homage to the 1920s silent era. It is about a man's quest to gain the attention of a beautiful woman. Each day he attempts to get her attention, but this proves to be difficult as it seems fate is against him.
Right There
After putting their bodies on the line for countless years, a family of professional wrestlers seek a brand new way to satisfy an impeccable bloodlust.
Parts Unknown
Horror Anthology "60 second short films that will scar you for a lifetime"
60 Seconds to Die
Cubby Knowles