Those who rebel against authority figures disobey. This film echoes “Cordobazo” — a popular rebellion in Cordoba against the Argentine military dictatorship in 1969 — through the story of Alicia, a trolleybus driver who joins an insurrection against an oppress...
The Disobedients
A fiction based on the feelings and emotional states that a group of people experience in a small in-country town.
The Winter of the Odd Ones Out
A divorced taxi driver shows up with a black eye at the home of his ex-wife’s new family; he’s been invited to dinner and he desperately wants to reconnect with his young daughter. A professional magician’s car breaks down and he ends up spending an emotionall...
A Moonless Night
Today is the day of truth. Tomás, 12, has heard adults' excuses and delaying tactics long enough, today is the day the man who killed his father is being released from prison. And Tomás is ready.
Packing Heavy
A plastic artist is discharged from a rehabilitation where she was admitted for drugs and surménage. She is going to live alone in an old family house in the mountains, where the noises and the strange things that happen test her weakened nerves. She becomes s...
Alma pura