Struggling but unapologetically living on her own terms, Inez is moving from shelter to shelter in mid-1990s New York City. With her 6-year-old son Terry in foster care and unable to leave him again, she kidnaps him so they can build their life together. As th...
A Thousand and One
A moving and intimate film that follows Monique "Money" Matters (Terri Abney) caught at the brink of adolescence. Her relationship with her mother Pamela Matters (Aunjanue Ellis- RAY, MEN OF HONER),is far from stable and depicts the struggle between a young m...
Money Matters
Co-workers question their marriages for a variety of issues, including anger management, child-like spouses and manipulative stepchildren. Will their relationships be mended or end in divorce?
Definitely Divorcing
When you're up to neck in debt...it's not about the money. A drama full of the comedy of life. A story for our times that examines the durability of marriage and family, the price of telling the truth and discovering what matters most.
Love & Debt
The story of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple, whose challenge of their anti-miscegenation arrest for their marriage in Virginia led to a legal battle that would end at the US Supreme Court.
A gang of criminals and corrupt cops plan the murder of a police officer in order to pull off their biggest heist yet across town.
Triple 9
If Nick Barrow can stay alive for 21 days, he'll die happy. Everyone Nick knows wants him dead; Mob bosses, contract killers, and dirty cops. Performing the last act of a desperate man, Nick takes out a million dollar insurance policy on himself, payable to hi...
Term Life
Sabrina, a successful divorced attorney must juggle her family and guests during Christmas dinner when her daughter, Leslie, surprisingly brings home her new fiance, Juan, and also invites her father, Glen, Sabrina's ex-husband.
One Crazy Christmas
Born in the generational Los Angeles street culture a 19-year-old father seeks a better life in the midst of a turf war.
Nineteen Summers
Birthed from the myriad of emotions experienced watching the countless black lives murdered during the pandemic by police, Abney’s film shows how one day for a couple begins with love and ends in loss. It poses the questions: How many more? Will we be next?
Stop Killing Us