This film follows the daily lives of a group of people barely scraping by in a slum on the outskirts of Tokyo. Yet as desperate as their circumstances are, each of them—the homeless father and son envisioning their dream house; the young woman abused by her un...
Yakuza movie directed by Yasuharu Hasebe
A Gangster's Morals
喜劇 男の顔は人生よ
Nakadai is an English teacher at a local school. He’s put-upon like the patron figure of dozens of films and televisions shows. Viewers who are especially fans of Nakadai will appreciate how the actor comically rants about here. His home life is almost disastr...
I Am a Cat
1966 Shochiku adaptation of Natsume's novel.
Mr. Greenhorn
Live-action adaptation of Jun Hatanaka's manga "Mandaraya no Ryota".
Ryota from Mandalaya
Japanese comedy film.
How to Make a Big Hit
Comedy about a young man who causes pandemonium by raiding a bar patronized by his father, winning the favors of a hostess and ends up feeling the breasts and hips of all the girls in his father's office.
Go As Messy As Messy Can Be
Romantic drama based on the manga published in Young Comic.
The Shinano River
Eleventh film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
The Woman Gambler's Supplication
Based on the comic by Mitsutoshi Furuya
Daddy on a Rocking Boat
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
To Trap a Kidnapper
A plot by an evil mastermind to eliminate the lead singer of the Japanese "Group Sounds" rock band, The Jaguars, leads the group through a series of psychedelic, comedic escapades.
Make Way for the Jaguars
An inventor and his family try to raise funds to feed a giant monster named Daigoro so that he doesn't shrink. Meanwhile, a meteor lands into the sea bringing with it another giant monster named Goliath. Will Daigoro be able to stop Goliath?
Daigoro vs. Goliath
Zatoichi is a blind massage therapist and swordsman who finds out that something troubling is taking place on the outskirts of town. After discovering who the guilty parties are -- an accomplished Chinese martial artist named Wang Kang and his youthful attenda...
Zatoichi Meets the One-Armed Swordsman