A young man steals a smuggler's goods and tries to sell them in a trip with his beloved to the border.
Hard Makeup
Vilaeiha is the story of the families of the Iranian's army leaders in 1986. Aziz is a 50 years old woman who enters the Villas complex with her grand children. Elyas is a driver who when comes here, all become tension that maybe he brings bad news about the a...
The Villa Complex Residents
Jonas (Saeed Aghakhani),a former Iranian soldier during the Iran-Iraq War, sets out to search for his fallen brother's bodies years after they were killed in action.
The story about a boy whom her mother passes away and he meets an angel...
The Music Box
A murder takes place in a residential complex, and each of the neighbors gets involved in some way.
An examination of the issues of the Iranian youth in the aftermath of the disputed 2009 presidential election.
The Report of a Celebration
harming drama set in a rural area of post-war Iran. This heartwarming story follows a thoughtful young woman who serves as a leader to the community and a seemingly naive young man who is smitten with a local girl. The film observes their customs and tradition...
My Child
"Tin-Tin and the Secret of Mondas Palace" is being staged for the first time in the Middle East, based on the famous Belgian comic book Tin-Tin. Dashtarai as a director has used new and special elements to perform this play.
Tin-Tin and the Secret of Mondas Palace