Broadway Idiot follows Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong from a punk rock concert at Madison Square Garden to the opening of his musical American Idiot on Broadway - only ten blocks away, but worlds apart. From behind the curtain share in the crazy journey of t...
Broadway Idiot
In a self-effacing attempt to save his father from a death by deterioration, a young man enlists his curmudgeonly boss and Kelis to perform a song, and a miracle.
Brazzaville Teen-Ager
The award-winning show is re-imagined as a live concert event, featuring an all-star cast of recording artists, set during the last week of Jesus' life as he deals with betrayal, love and jealousy, and told from the perspective of Judas.
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert
SpongeBob and all of Bikini Bottom face catastrophe—until a most unexpected hero rises to take center stage.
The SpongeBob Musical: Live on Stage!