The story revolves around an insecure teetotaler Sarathy (Karunas) who feels bad due to his dark skin (his wife Karthika is fairer than him) who is often the brunt of many jokes. Because he feels inferior to his wife, he begins to suspect her of infidelity and...
Dindigul Sarathy
Maasilamani falls in love with a woman, Divya, who dislikes him. Trouble ensues when he concocts an elaborate story about his lookalike to win her heart.
Nandha returns after serving his term for killing his father. Although he killed him to save his mother, she does not forgive him. He is then taken in by Periyavar, who shelters Sri Lankan refugees.
Dr. Vaseegaran creates Chitti, a powerful robot in his own image, but it is rejected by the scientific body AIRD due to its lack of human behaviour and emotions. After a lightning strike triggers emotions in Chitti, he begins to develop human-like feelings. Ho...
A travel-based film that explores how a journey changes a man.
Sasikumar-Thangam Saravanan Untitled
Velu, a cowardly cop with a family to support, is told that he has blood cancer and so, to get insurance and keep his family financially stable, he goes on a suicidal mission, by taking on criminals singlehandedly.
Karky works in a shipyard owned by Rajanayagam, a feudalistic industrialist who imprisons his workers in the factory compound and refuses to allow them to have any link with the outside world. How Karky unites the workers and leads them to freedom is what the...
Aarumugam is owner of a small food joint. He is closely attached to his mother. He is quiet and his simple life gets shattered by one of Bharath's business rivals (Ramya Krishnan) who runs a big restaurant near his place. The petty clashes soon develop into bi...
Prabhu is dejected when he learns that his bike has been stolen. He decides to find the people who stole the bike, but lands in trouble when he realises that his bike has been used to transport drugs.
Rajini, a Sri Lankan Tamil girl, narrates the horrific tale of why she had to leave her homeland and become a refugee in India.
Sarathy is a brilliant and carefree young man who is unaware that an astrologer has predicted his death at the age of 27. Eventually, he comes to loggerheads with Reddiar over a land deal gone bad.
Puthiya Geethai
Baba is an atheist who always questions the existence of a higher power. But when a turn of events bestows him with divine powers, he uses the opportunity to help other people.
A reckless boy falls for a girl whose disapproving brother is a rich businessman.
Thiruvilaiyaadal Aarambam
A young man and a woman fall in love with each other. But soon her father gets to know about their affair and goes to extremes to separate the couple.
Kadhal Azhivathillai
A man falls in love with a girl only to incur the wrath of her evil father, who tries several ways to keep the young couple apart.
Hari (Jeeva) is an unemployed youth who runs a pavement book shop in Tripiclane area. His father (Nagesh) an upright retired school teacher buys him a shop in a building with his PF money. He names it “Periyar Bookshop” and runs it with friend Karunas. Meanwhi...
The story portrays the love and affection between two families. Jeeva and Viji's families are neighbours to each other. Viji falls in love with Jeeva and they both start loving each other. Will they unite?