The fairy tale follows a young man named Gusukō in the Tōhoku forests of northeastern Japan in the 1920s. After an onslaught of droughts and natural disasters, Gusukō is forced to leave his home and search for a better life elsewhere. Gusukō joins a group of s...
The Life of Budori Gusuko
The members of a sci-fi club accidentally spill Coke on the remote controller of an air-conditioner during summer and suddenly a time machine appears in their sweating bath-like clubroom.
Summer Time Machine Blues
The purportedly true story of a 23-year-old otaku (Japanese geek) who intervened when a drunk man was harassing a woman on a train. The otaku ultimately started dating with her and chronicled his event and his dates with the woman (who became known as "Hermès"...
Train Man
In 1969, Kenji, an elementary school kid and his friends built a secret base during their summer holidays. They fantasized that they had to fight villains who were out to conquer the world and wrote them in the Book of Prophecies. Years later in 1997, Kenji be...
20th Century Boys: Beginning of the End
Ryuji is a fisherman that has brought up his daughter Ryoko single-handedly. Ryoko and her childhood friend Kazuya have fallen in love. But when Kazuya dies in a tragic accident while diving for coral wood, Ryoko is overcome with grief and, emotionally destroy...
Cobalt Blue
Rei Iwatsuki moved from her hometown Kōchi to Tokyo to pursue her dreams. On arrival, she found a job as a waitress in a restaurant and met guitarist Ryuuji Shintani. Ryuuji liked her voice and invited her to join his band as the vocalist, The Survival Company...
Tokyo Friends: The Movie
In the year 1716 a mysterious epidemic stickens men in the country of Japan, dropping the population of men to 1/4th of its prior state. With the drastic reduction of men, the gender roles have become reversed in Japan. Woman become the dominant members of soc...
The Lady Shogun and Her Men
After one of their group is caught for speeding a group of trouble-making teenagers decide to prank the local police officer. It starts with simple speeding pranks but gradually moves to more elaborate and bizarre pranks.
700 Days of Battle: Us vs. the Police
Movie based on the Emergency Interrogation Room series.
Emergency Interrogation Room: The Final
Upon reaching the train station to death, a dejected soul is informed that he is "lucky" and will have another chance at life. He is placed in the body of a 14-year-old boy named Makoto Kobayashi, who just died, and needs to figure out the cause of his death.
Shimazaki Sanpo is an experienced mountain climber and rescue team volunteer. Sanpo loves the mountains and wants as many people as possible to experience everything they have to offer so much so that he never holds a grudge against anyone for causing an accid...
Peak: The Rescuers
A middle school teacher, Jinno, is friends with a young couple that is about to have a baby. But on the eve of the birth, the father, Kimura, disappears. Then, a hired private detective appears and ask Jinno's help to find Kimura.
After School
Onmyouji Takiyasha Hime
The Woman of S.R.I.: The Movie
The main characters are the Mamiya brothers who are living together although they are over 30-years-old. Unconcerned with appearance and reputations, they enjoy their life in their own way. The only concern is the lack of girlfriends. One day, however, a chang...
The Mamiya Brothers
In postwar Japan, Godzilla brings new devastation to an already scorched landscape. With no military intervention or government help in sight, the survivors must join together in the face of despair and fight back against an unrelenting horror.
Godzilla Minus One
Five merry men who travel and live all over the country. They all love to sing and for some reason they are all nocturnal. Their hobbies are raiding and blood donor cars. What they don't like is crosses, and what they love is - choo-choo-choo!!! ?
Vamp Show
Based on the feature-length novel "The Hound of the Baskervilles" written by Arthur Conan Doyle, which is the movie version of the TV drama "Sherlock" broadcast on the Fuji TV series in 2019.
The Hound of the Baskervilles: Sherlock the Movie
America ni Makenakatta Otoko - Bakayaro Souri Yoshida Shigeru
The movie takes place again in the fictional Wangan Station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department the once empty space within Wangan's jurisdiction has become a popular tourist attraction. When a string of murders of company execs begins taking place, Ao...
Bayside Shakedown 2