The story revolves around a boy from a village who comes to the city for his studies and how he has to eke out a living in dire poverty and face challenges to complete his education and how an eunuch, a community looked down upon in society helps this boy to c...
Runh: The Debt
Rautu ki Beli, an idyllic town in hilly north India, has been virtually crime-free for over 30 years. The inhabitants are bewildered when a school warden is found dead and the police begin investigating – under the leadership of Inspector Negi. Nothing is as e...
Rautu ka Raaz
A mischievous boy, living with his grandmother in a village that people believe is haunted, meets the ghost "Bhutya". How the "Bhutya" transforms the boy's character and the whole village in the process, forms the rest of the story.
Pak Pak Pakaak