The Woodmen follows three individuals who find themselves in a fight for their lives as they attempt to escape from a clan of feral humans that call the Great Smoky Mountains home. Together, they battle the cunning and elusive adversary that wants nothing more...
The Woodmen
A B-rated horror comedy from Troma.
PDA Massacre
An office manager invites a psychic to help remove a sprit that haunts her warehouse, hard at work in the after life. As they connect with the spirit, they learn the dark truth behind his unresolved business and try to help him move on.
Rico is tormented by nightmarish visions after enduring head trauma while camping in the Catskill Mountains. Billy creates a reality of horror for him by persuading Rico to go along with his beliefs which delve him deeper into despair.
The Forest Hills
Floyd has never won Lotto. Nor has he won at OTB. He's a middle-aged flunk floundering from temp jobs to performing magic tricks in the street to earn a buck. His life consists of his therapist, his nursing home bound mother and B.S. sessions with other late b...
The Amazing Floydini
Based on the true story of two young men, David Packouz and Efraim Diveroli, who won a $300 million contract from the Pentagon to arm America's allies in Afghanistan.
War Dogs
In a hidden part of the Everglades, a phony Voodoo cult worships the fake God Kwanga. Head priest De Obayah, and cult priestess Brigitte are a very greedy pair, who will do anything to achieve their goals.
While investigating the brutal murder of her parents, a young woman is kidnapped, raped, and left for dead. On All Hallows Eve she comes back dressed as a blood-thirsty pussycat keen on taking the souls of the men who destroyed her world.
Pussy Kills
An inside look into Edward Furlong's process through making a movie, chronicling his 4 days he was on set filming his new movie The Forest Hills
Edward Furlong and The Forest Hills
An ancient Nordic entity known as The Shadow in the modern world and Ivar in the old world corrupts a priest to secure the coveted soul of a woman so he may deliver her as a gift to The Old One and thereby secure redemption.
The Vord