Laura, a heartbroken teenager from Santiago is on holiday in the southern Chilean archipelago of Chiloé with friends. As she wanders the lonely island seascapes she encounters a group of local seaweed collector women, with whom she shares places and stories.
Land Tides
Rodolfo Guerra, father of three daughters, wakes up one morning and decides he will not go to work; he is tired of being mistreated by his wife. In that one day in which the family routine is broken, Rodolfo opens his eyes and realizes that he is a perfect str...
Between Us
A story about generation Y, the era of individualistic and extremely competitive people, who believe their meant to be exceptional. A generation where the unrealistic expectations rarely match reality. The story revolves around a young adult who is subject to...
The Book of Everything
Augusto, a university professor, finds his wife with another man, so he shoots himself with a pistol in front of them. He survives in quadriplegia, without being able to speak or move.
The Silence of Augusto