Notorious thief Lupin the Third aims to steal the lost treasure of the Romanov royal family with his criminal associates along for the ride. The treasure is an immense quantity of gold hidden underground in the vaults of a mysterious Texas bank. But to obtain...
Lupin the Third: From Siberia with Love
The story concerns a homeless boy named Ted. After seeing a movie about Gulliver he meets Professor Gulliver himself in a forest. Gulliver is now an elderly, space-traveling scientist. With Dr. Gulliver's assistant Crow, and Ted's companions, a talking dog and...
Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon
The second in a series of anime works depicting the activities of Yamikinya Manda Ginjiro, who is called "Minami no Ogre". Yanagida, a machine supplier who had lent money to Ginjiro, visited him. Yanagida had borrowed from Ginjiro the unpaid portion of the mac...
The King of Minami 2
Researcher Mutsugoro takes his family to a remote and uninhabited island near Hokkaido, to study the local population of wild bears. Nearby poachers make his life difficult, and he "inherits" an orphaned bear cub, whom the family call Donbe and raise as one of...
Donbe's Story
A lavish retelling of the true story of the final voyage and ultimate destruction and sinking of the battleship Yamato, Japan's greatest flagship during the Second World War.
The Imperial Navy
A peasant boy and 38 cats band against the tyrannical Ali Baba the 33rd and his cat-phobic genie.
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
During WWII most zoo animals that could pose a danger to the public were slaughtered. Only two elephants survived the war, and trains were arranged to bring children from all over the country to see them.
Zôressha ga Yatte Kita
Youth suspense movie.
The Mysterious Gemini • Y&S
A story of a man's erotic experiences since the age of 7, based on the 17th-century novel by Saikaku Ihara.
The Sensualist
Enigmatic teenager Akira Inugami is, by night, a powerful werewolf, who falls for a beautiful young teacher, and copes with a ruthless teen gang leader, whose yakuza father murdered Akira's parents years before.
Horror of the Wolf