A early film adaptation of "The Rape of the Sabines" which is an episode in the legendary history of Rome, traditionally said to have taken place in 750 BC, in which the first generation of Roman men acquired wives for themselves from the neighboring Sabine fa...
The Rape of the Sabines
In Naples in 1860, a girl named Grazia, a strongly pro-Flobonic Montechiaro, is betrothed to the general of Santafè. She is secretly in love with John, a patriot and revolutionary.
La cavalcata ardente
The newly-settled city of Venice in the Sixth Century AD: A wandering people struggle to establish Christian Theocracy. Basiliola Faledro, an exotic dancer, wicked and cunning, arrives from faraway lands seeking to avenge her pagan lineage; Her father and brot...
The Ship
Based on Oscar Wilde's version of the story, what is noteworthy is the sheer luxury of the production, an attempt to capture the wild and weird Aubrey Beardsley illustrations that transfigure the work. The sets are elaborate, with stonework and palm trees and...
A story of the Second Punic Wars, beginning with Scipio's futile pleas to the Roman Senate to build an army to battle Hannibal, that climaxes with the battle of Zama.
Scipio Africanus: The Defeat of Hannibal
Italian drama about the conspiracy against Murat.
Una congiura contro Murat
Re di danari