Two weeks after the events in "Terror at Black Tree Forest" young Mare Strode returns home from Falls City Memorial Hospital. She brutally murders her mother and "escapes" back to Black Tree Forest. There, she dons the original psycho's outfit and continues th...
Escape To Black Tree Forest
A group of low budget horror actresses led by scream queen Jennii Caroline get together to watch some scary movies, but when they are suddenly stalked by real life monsters and maniacs, they will have to show off their aerobics moves just to escape with their...
Horror Movie Workout
A killer compilation of clips from the RHR Home Video library as viewed by 5 girls during a slumber party.
Slumber Party Slasherthon
"Silly Scaries 2" pits four indie Horror Directors against each other, bringing you four all-new tales of the macabre! Werewolves, Killer Dolls, Witches and Zombies will haunt your ... »
Silly Scaries 2