The show opens in the "world of the dead", where Luigi Lucheni is being interrogated by a Judge as to why he has murdered the Empress Elisabeth. Lucheni claims that he did no more than what Elisabeth herself wanted, since all her life Elisabeth has been in lov...
Based on the true life story of Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria, Rudolf recounts the life of a young and sensitive visionary reformer, destroyed by political intrigue and his own fateful passion.
Rudolf - Affaire Mayerling
Ein Richter zum Küssen
The recording of his birthday concert in December in the Vienna Stadthalle with special guest Pia Douwes offers a foray through his musical career - from his beginnings to his current successes. The big hits from musicals such as Elisabeth, Starlight Express,...
Uwe Kröger: Absolut Uwe
2001 Essen recording of the Viennese musical Elisabeth