A poetic, tender road movie, A Secret World follows tormented teenager Maria as she makes her way through Mexico seeking her place in life. The film focuses on the pleasant beauty of the landscape and the eccentric, endearing personality of Maria as she comes...
A Secret World
A young man does not want to keep his virginity by turning 18.
A radio host has to deal with his son's cancer with the help of a trainer.
The Ship
After the death of his son, Javier hopes that restoring his family's abandoned ranch will allow him and his wife Mariana, who attempted suicide, a new beginning, but his grandmother refuses.
Jugaremos en el bosque
Bruno, 19 years old, has not begun his sexual life. He feels guilty about his brother's death and one of his exgirlfriends, who happens to be his first love, is back in town to help him out.
Time without Pulse
Fernando cannot forget Sofía. She left some time ago and still the littlest things remind him of her. When he meets Liz, he starts to manipulate his own memories so that he can move on, but his own mind has created a strange being that will stand in his way.
Made by Hand
Laura y el viento
Me casé con un idiota
Igor is a plumber; Pina serves coffee. It is winter and they both deeply desire each other, but they are not free. In trying to figure out how to realize their love, she decides to make a lion costume for her little son and he decides to buy a photocopying mac...
The Obscure Spring