Scala – total verrückt
Das Traumhaus
Es war mir ein Vergnügen
Der Versager
A frustrated Frankfurt innkeeper is recruited as an agent for the "Gehlen Organization" and after a short training period, during which he is familiarized with sophisticated espionage methods, he takes his first steps as a spy. When the really big assignment c...
A social satire in which a chauffeur accidentally becomes the editor of an online newspaper.
Detective Heinz Ebeling's (Peter Eschberg) car breaks down with a broken windshield and a defective fuel pump on the way to Frankfurt. On the way to the next village, Ebeling witnesses a murder and other crimes, which he tries to solve.
Nerze nachts am Straßenrand
Die Pariser Komödie
A Greek father, estranged from his German wife, kidnaps his daughter from her busy career mother in Berlin, and brings her home to live with his family. An international custody battle follows.
My Daughter Belongs to Me
Augenzeugen müssen blind sein
See-Leben 1
Aus nichtigem Anlaß
Union der festen Hand
The Riehl family has recently owned a small house in a new development in the countryside. Mr. Riehl drives into town every morning, where he works in a furniture store. The two children still go to school. Ms. Riehl takes care of the household and has to cycl...
Der Führerschein
Das Haus im Park
Die Gartenlaube
"The Malpractice" - On a Sunday, Dr. Dorlach was called to the clinic. Unexpectedly, Frau Bahlke, a mother of three, is in a coma. Any help comes too late. Dr. Dorlach realizes that the patient is dying as a result of a diagnostic error.
Der Kunstfehler
Wer raucht die Letzte?