Cartoon Carnival tells the story of the pioneering early days of the animated art-form and chronicles one film preservationist's quest to rescue pre-sound cartoons from obscurity and screen them to new, appreciative audiences.
Cartoon Carnival
The biopic of how Kevin Smith bankrolled his $27,000 first film with maxed-out credit cards and became the darling of the Sundance Film Festival when Clerks debuted there in 1994.
Shooting Clerks
Based on the hit web series of the same name, a disgruntled gamer must overcome his fear of the worst video game of all time in order to save his fans. Hilarity ensues as a simple road trip becomes an extravagant pursuit of the unexpected.
Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie
Lloyd and his partner Earl work overnight in a cemetery where the dead rise from their graves. If they can manage to get along, they might get out alive!
The Deader the Better
After Satan kidnaps Glinda, Dorothy returns to Oz to confront the Prince of Darkness before all Hell can be released.
Wizard of Oz 3: Dorothy Goes to Hell