Many years after a catastrophic event has decimated society, humanity is on the verge of extinction. The last few people continue on in search of life, struggling to survive as they confront their mortality and purpose in this dying world.
Father of Nations
After the engagement ring meant for his girlfriend is stolen, a young man and his friends plot to steal it back. Denis (Praneet Akilla) has got all that he needs. Namely, two best friends Chad (Jian Choo) and Huey (David Schnetkamp),a job that earns him enou...
Jewel Fools
A horror anthology comprised of four distinct segments that feature a raucous combination of satirical humor, horror, gore, and enough surprises to satisfy film enthusiasts and horror fans alike.
A young man calls out to the only one that understands him as he is torn between who he is and the faith he cherishes.
The Nobody Prayer
Part mumblecore drama, part surreal horror film, 'Things Fall Apart' when a strange, mysterious artifact is shared at a dinner party causing a group of old friends to question their loyalties and finally, their sanity.
Things Fall Apart
Hafiz, a recent immigrant to Canada, waits anxiously for his exam approval letter to practice as a doctor. In the mean time, he passes the time by learning how to cook Chicken Jalfrezi.
In a near future, a government branch transports sick and elderly clients to remote locations destined for death, as they have been deemed no longer useful to society.
The Caring Only Cry at Night
The past catches up to three exotic dancers, two of whom were involved in the famous Wisconsin strip club massacre.
Gone by Dawn 2: Dead by Dusk