Kurama Tengu is a 1928 black and white Japanese silent film with benshi accompaniment directed by Teppei Yamaguchi. It is a film which is a part of the series depicting the bold and daring hero Kurama Tengu. The popular series comprises numerous films based on...
Kurama Tengu
The movie begins with a mysterious murder and Umon Kondo, a Doshin, so called drag-ass Umon, who dallies away lying sprawled all day long, launches an investigation.
Umon's First Exploit
Yotsuya Kaidan
Iso-no-genta's Sword
The Frightful Era of Kurama Tengu is a 1928 black and white Japanese silent film with benshi accompaniment directed by Teppei Yamaguchi. It is part of the Kurama Tengu series and features the battle between the title character, Kurama Tengu, and his impostor....
The Frightful Era of Kurama Tengu
Cedar of Ryoben
Ogasawara Ikinokami
Film about Ghost-Cat.
Monster Cat Akabe Daimyojin