A film crew in search of a new documentary project determines to find a wrongfully imprisoned death-row inmate. Enter Chauncey Ledbetter, a quirky and potentially gay prisoner convicted of murdering his high school show choir teacher. As filming of the documen...
The Thin Pink Line
It's Rooster Teeth Shorts Volume 3! The crew is back for a third volume of office hijinks, fowl phenomena, quizzical conundrums and the concerns of shrinkage. Features 29 shorts and ton of bonus features, including an interactive DVD mystery game!
Rooster Teeth Shorts: Volume Three
Rooster Teeth Shorts returns with a vengeance, as well as a magical prototype, an evil button, a mystery box, an inter-dimensional sandwich, and a bunch of ridiculous jokes!
Rooster Teeth Shorts: Volume Two
While being lovingly coerced by his mom to go to confession, Pepito is infantilized to the point of suffocation in this bilingual comedy.
Four losers are thrust into the position of saving the world when they stumble upon a UFO crash site and become genetically equipped to the battle suit on board.
Lazer Team