After losing his father, Alex discovers a box of unfinished scripts and a handkerchief with the name “Billy Knight” embroidered on it. Consumed with the desire to discover his identity, Alex embarks on a Hollywood adventure to track down this mysterious and re...
Billy Knight
Alejandro's life is disrupted when actress Sophie Wilder stays at his hotel. To their surprise, the two fall for one another, meeting at midnight.
At Midnight
A grieving detective in the near-future hunts down criminals who trade artificial humans on the black market. In the fight to end AI exploitation, an underground resistance attempts to infiltrate him by sabotaging the programming of the artificial human assign...
Superman, a cub reporter in Metropolis, embarks on a journey to reconcile his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent.
Sports Illustrated: The Making of SI's Swimsuit 2014: From Sand to Space
Eddie Krumble works as a paid audience member for infomercials and experiences a whirlwind of overnight fame after a late-night talk show host publicizes his frequent infomercial appearances.
The Clapper
A lorry, a road and an unpredictable destiny, all intersecting in a human trafficking network. Caught up in this web, Viktoriya has only one chance: fight to survive.
Three stories about the world of opioids collide: a drug trafficker arranges a multi-cartel Fentanyl smuggling operation between Canada and the U.S., an architect recovering from an OxyContin addiction tracks down the truth behind her son's involvement with na...
Years after her son's disappearance, a mother keeps trying to find him after an abduction that justice cannot solve while she is moving in a universe that wants to force her to mourn a child that she believes is still alive.
In bustling Los Angeles, the lives of 3 young people intersect and unravel how every choice reverberates far beyond its origin.