The story of a wilting young couple who begin to stage fake marriage proposals at fancy restaurants in a desperate gamble to score free meals and save their relationship, “Proposals” is an electric and self-reflexive look at a modern love that’s become more of...
James White is a troubled twentysomething trying to stay afloat in a frenzied New York City. As he retreats further into a hedonistic lifestyle, his mother's battle with a serious illness faces a series of setbacks that force him to assume more responsibility....
James White
A washed-up YouTube star blackmails an old rival in an attempt to reclaim her fame. But when things go awry, she finds herself ensnared by a drug trafficking ring. As Cecilia spirals out of control, she’s forced to confront her true place in society.
The Ego Death of Queen Cecilia
After the death of his beloved aunt, Daniel, a gay, struggling actor, visits Esther, his devout Christian, Korean mother. Despite their differences, they try to heal together. But old habits die hard.
According to My Mother
The story of Steve Harmon, a 17-year-old honor student whose world comes crashing down around him when he is charged with felony murder.
In dystopian future South Los Angeles, a father and daughter avoid sweating, crying, and drinking water while trying to escape moisture-sensitive monsters.
It's 2068 and Evelyn, a revolutionary, must lead her team of insurgents to send a message through time before artificially intelligent law enforcement arrives to stop them.