The story is centered on the human drama of three young people from a small town in Traslasierra, Córdoba, who from very different ideological places, are forever transformed by the war in Malvinas Argentinas (Falkland Islands).
Argentine Soldier Only Known by God
Two young friends discover a dream recording machine and start making money out of it. Meanwhile, a man discovers that the screenwriter of his life is dead, and therefore, nothing is going on in his life.
The Monster Machine and the Girl of My Dreams
After a long absence, Max returns to Paris and settles in with his father in the lively Belleville district. He wanders the streets, curious about others, eager to meet new people, but soon finds himself confronted with a profound malaise.
Benavidez is a frustrated art teacher, argues with his wife and seeks refuge in his psychiatrist's house. He becomes a victim of the house system, and at the end of the road he will change his life and his destiny forever.
Benavidez’s Case