On the eve of his fiftieth birthday, an actor discovers that he's got stomach cancer. He must now face his shattered life.
One Man's Show
First grief of love, Billie is devastated. The jokes of her girlfriends, the advice of her teachers and the sweet words of her mother intertwine and resonate like old chatter. Nothing to do, Billie is inconsolable.
Your Young Years Will Dry Your Tears
Looking for a place where they can live their romantic idyll, a love triangle ‘the weirdos’ will go on multiple dates, good and bad, that will eventually rush them to a tragic end.
Je vous réserve tous mes baisers
On a Sunday morning, a group of young revelers enter a large, vacated apartment. Tired drag queens mix with debauched grannies, drunken vagrants and shy virgins over the course of the morning.
Trinkets and Dark Thoughts
Joseph isn't particularly happy, even though he's good at hiding it. The day his brother dies, he becomes certain he'll miss out on his life. So that it doesn't slip away from him, one night he gives in to his desire.
Sunset Cemetery