In a large house in Salvador lives a family: Hercules, Julia, two of the couple's nephews, Hercules' father-in-law, and two maids. Hercules is a farmer who is in a professional and marital crisis. The mystical figure of Calunga mysteriously appears in the big...
O Anjo Negro
The memories of Guiga, from early childhood to young adulthood: his family, relatives, friends, fears, dreams and reality in a still provincial city of Salvador, Bahia, from the 50s to the 70s.
I Remember
Bené spent many years looking for his spiritual evolution in a small country town. He has made great progress and is fully integrated into the community, but will be put to the test when he meets Letícia and is brought into the underworld of the big city.
Abaixo a Gravidade
Joana Angélica
Schizophrenic tramp performs outrageous acts in the streets of Salvador, and in the end tries to fulfill his ultimate dream: to fly over the city, as a superhero would.
In Pau Brasil, a small, lost village in the heart of Brazil, the families of Joaquim and Nives live side by side. Despite living in the same perverse structure of social oppression, they deal with life in radically different ways.
Pau Brasil
Jardim das Folhas Sagradas