The necrorealist science fiction plot involves a team of scientists attempting to cross a human being with a tree, and a special unit dispatched to hunt down the zombie-like mutants created in a previous, failed experiment
Silver Heads
Would it be correct to suggest that none of it happened?
An anthropological study of a cargo cult in a fictitious self-marginalized commune, which existed next to the Moscow Ring Road - a highway that marks the boundaries of the Russian capital - and survived mainly on roadside trash. Although the road provided for...
Mad Mimes
A family of British descent settled in the Russian countryside is investigating its grandfather's mysterious death. One small step for men, women, children, dogs, and pigs - one giant leap for humanity.
We Are Your Grandfather
A group of artists set out on a quest of organising their own biennale in Istanbul.
Long Encounters Quick Farewells
A mystical detective story set in the realm of Moscow art scene. Psychedelic trip through different places, characters and strategies in the search for the Author, covering mythology of Moscow art from the period of 1980-2010. The movie is based on the 'Inspe...
The Way of Samodelkin
Two friends, walking along Losiny Island in Moscow, found a camera...