The Wakener is a Sci-Fi Horror film that follows a broken and haunted ship technician and a young, honorable military officer. Their paths collide when a ghost ship powered by tech outlawed centuries ago mysteriously appears at Point Station. The station's chi...
A brilliant child scientist must join forces with her sister when a cloning experiment goes awry.
Project CC
Longtime single friends Ben and Alice agree to be each other's respective plus one at every wedding they're invited to during a busy summer of wedding fever.
Plus One
20 years since their first adventure, Lloyd and Harry go on a road trip to find Harry's newly discovered daughter, who was given up for adoption.
Dumb and Dumber To
An allergy-ridden, eavesdropping sound engineer and his boisterous new roommate are thrust into a missing girl case when he discovers clues to her disappearance in his neighborhood recordings.
The Sound and the Shadow
Road movie about two young people from different parts of the world, their vastly different clashing cultures and their journey of self-discovery during the drive to the largest music festival in California.
Along the Roadside
The Mix is a dark comedy about Sal, the happy and hapless owner of a home grown cookie company. With his business riding a financial plateau and his loyal girlfriend Christine pushing for career and relationship growth, Sal and his business manager Tim place t...
The Mix
It took another ruined Christmas dinner to make Martha finally realize: her kids are jerks. Daughter, Penny is a 42-year old bully who's still letting Prom Queen go to her head. Son, Danny, 57 is a scam artist who owes the state more than he could sell his org...
American Christmas
A slightly dystopian vision of LA, we follow three disaffected teenagers, Jessie, Calvin and Nicky, all victims of extreme childhoods, running supreme hedonistic riot as they try to work out a way in life.