A serial murder case rocks a small town in China's semi-rural Hebei province. The film explores the case from the viewpoint of a teenage schoolgirl, Jing (Su Xiaotong),who becomes entangled with the case while struggling with her own burgeoning sexuality. In...
What’s in the Darkness
Shun (Yao Chen) is the editor of Cosmo, a leading fashion magazine, and is overflowing with enthusiasm for life as she loves her work and is engaged to marry Wu Juyuan (Guo Xiaodong). However, all of the magic is suddenly sucked out of her life when a work ove...
Love in Cosmo
Japan-Hong Kong co-production.
Secret Agent 101
Miss Mom
In an accident at the university military training, Zhou Zhou (Wang Ke Ru),a good girl, and Qiu Fei (Liu Dong Qin),a scum of the school, meet each other. From heroic rescue to brave confession, the flamboyant Qiu Fei enters Zhou Zhou's heart.
To Be with You
Released from prison after serving 20 years on trumped-up charges, world-weary Sheng Li seeks out his accuser. However, wrath quickly turns to sympathy as he agrees to kidnap her boss’ son so she can have her own retribution.
The Escaping Man