"Charles Gatewood is a photographer and anthropologist who specializes in "subcultures." On the evidence of "Dances Sacred and Profane," Mark and Dan Jury's documentary about Mr. Gatewood, he is drawn particularly to Mardi Gras revels, gatherings of nudists an...
Dances Sacred and Profane
Photographer Charles Gatewood offers insight and comments on a variety of his work. His subjects include exhibitionism, transvestites, fetishism, scenes from Mardi Gras, and body modification such as tattoos, body piercing, and extreme weight gain.
Charles Gatewood's Forbidden Photographs
American photographer Charles Gatewood started out in the 1960s as a young man with dreams of showing the world the radical cultural developments that were going on in his country. He met many of the iconic instigators of change and documented them for posteri...
Once the Toothpaste Is Out of the Tube - An Art Apart: Charles Gatewood
Charles Gatewood's tour video of the weird and wild in southeast Asia. Featuring sex shows, opium smoking, primitive piercing rituals, spitting cobras and "Exotic Erotic Bangkok, Sin City of Asia!".
Charles Gatewood's Weird Thailand