A lonely limousine driver named Victor lives an isolated existence until one evening he is forced to defend a client, Raquel; from being sexually assaulted by her prom date, Preston. A simple act of compassion that sets off a series of events destined to bring...
Scarlett, a neglected, agoraphobic girl who has lived alone since she was a child, suddenly finds herself pregnant. When she has no recollection of how this happened, she tailspins into a complete mental breakdown.
Inside Scarlett
Jazz legend Chet Baker finds love and redemption when he stars in a movie about his own troubled life to mount a comeback.
Born to Be Blue
Nick is haunted by night terrors stemming from a tragic murder he saw when he was young. After inheriting an old toy shop, he discovers a cursed elf doll sealed inside an ancient chest with a naughty list of his family's names written on it. He soon discovers...
The Elf
A young upcoming fashion designer, gets a rude awakening when she fails to land an internship under one of the city's biggest fashion designers. Thinking her dreams of making it as a fashion designer are lost, Stacy gets her big break when she meets a famous c...
Designer Pups
After six months in modern Seattle, Ray, broke and lonely, decides to return to the Region, his depressed hometown, to finish his High School senior year. Once at home he quickly reconnects with old friends, and old habits.
Tied up, blindfolded, and left in the woods in nothing but their underwear as part of a Hell Week initiation, six college-aged pledges are tasked with setting up camp. Broken up into two teams, boys versus girls, they must complete a number of extreme hazing r...
Four seasoned killers and one hapless professor are rounded up in one violent swoop and awake in chains to discover they are part of a demented experiment orchestrated by their maniacal, mysterious captor.
Anonymous Killers