Jake Casper, an ordinary high school student, finds a powerful, extraordinary box in the attic of his Grandpa's antique store. He must learn the purpose of the box, the power within it, and overcome all obstacles in his way before it is too late.
The Messenger's Box
A cloak & dagger adventure about the Federal Reserve and the international financial conspiracy that threatens the world. Three heroic college students uncover the plot...and risk their lives to expose the secret syndicate. "Gripping drama" says Dove Fnd.
Creed of Gold
After his mother unexpectedly dies, 17-year-old Ethan discovers he is the owner of his mother's horse - a horse he never even knew existed. He travels cross country to live with his grandparents and investigate the mystery. His grandmother is supportive but hi...
A Horse Called Bear
Courageous Love follows Alex Shelby as he encounters romance and intrigue while trying to save the family business that he recently inherited. While working undercover at the New York City branch office he falls in love with an employee named Michelle. Alex mu...
Courageous Love
After a high school senior working on his pilot’s license rescues a dog named Oreo, he finds out his mom is a CIA agent who’s been captured. He teams up with Oreo and a new friend to find his mother and uncover double agents inside the CIA.