The Squirrel
Amidst the post-economic crash, a man must return from abroad after his father committed suicide. After return home, he must confront his past and struggle to hold on to his present.
Concrete Clouds
The stories of four girls who live in and around Rome.
Samuele and Marzio, as teenagers, make a promise to be friends forever, but adulthood, women and everyday problems sneak into their lives.
La quattordicesima domenica del tempo ordinario
Shakespea Re di Napoli
Daniel, a blind painter from Montreal, Canada moves to New York City to pursue his dream of become an artist. While in New York City, he is confronted by his reoccurring dreams of a woman, whom Daniel believes is an angel.
A Dream Beyond the Dark
A young woman’s fiercest self takes over to fight for her life when she’s attacked in this taut thriller from up-and-coming filmmaker Catherine Fordham. After waking up and noticing bruises on her body, the woman flashes back to last night’s perilous journey h...
It has been 500 years since the death of Leonardo da Vinci. In "Being Leonardo da Vinci," Finazzer Flory gives viewers a captivating, unforgettable look into what makes and shapes the mind of a legend.
Being Leonardo da Vinci
Il ladro di stelle cadenti