The Arab Spring in Egypt: From a dictator to free elections, back to a dictatorship. One comedy show united the country and tested the limits of free press. This is the story of Bassem Youssef, a cardiologist turned comedian, the Jon Stewart of Egypt, and his...
Tickling Giants
A group of prisoners breaks out of prison using an underground tunnel that leads them into a school. When they discover where they are, they decide to remain in the school until further notice, but Ms. Tam Tam pushes back against them.
Mrs. Tamtam
Brothers Ramses and Ahmos, cursed since the days of the Pharaohs, are the last two vampires in Egypt. After stumbling upon an ancient secret, they embark on a comedic journey of self-reflection, brotherly love, and survival in the year 2023.
Dracu Ra
On his way to a DJ Championship in Brussels, a young Egyptian is mistaken for an illegal immigrant and detained in a country he's never heard of before.
Magdy is searching for true love, so when he finds his childhood friend Dina on Facebook he tries to get closer to her. He is afraid that she would refuse him as he is very obese. So on their first meeting he told her that he is Magdy's cousin