The story of three friends who, through a less happy situation, end up in prison. There they plan their escape and with the help of a local mobster they manage to escape only to prepare for the next robbery. Too a strange potion with really strange consequence...
Snow, Tea and Love
"Love Sorry" is a comedic romance where a small-town girl races her friends to meet a visiting celebrity. Laughter, friendship, and unexpected moments ensue in this charming tale of pursuing dreams and connections.
Love Sorry
A police satire about Aurel, a gipsy police officer, on his first day of work. He really wants to prove what he is capable of, but his career is at risk when his friend, Denzel, recruits him in his not so secret operation.
The Action Pack
A frothy comedy about life in the corporation, about the challenges of building a career and those of consolidating and motivating a team. The film, a satire of corporate life, reveals the events of a team building in which the robotic corporativism unleash th...