In the wake of a devastating plague, that has killed most of the world's population, a man named Rory searches for other survivors, for answers, and for hope in a post-apocalyptic world, where nothing is quite as it seems.
When Everything's Gone
Susan, a single mother of two, works as a waitress in a small town. Her son, Henry, is an 11-year-old genius who not only manages the family finances but acts as emotional support for his mother and younger brother. When Henry discovers that the girl next door...
The Book of Henry
The Bread Factory is the scene for rehearsals of the Greek play Hecuba. But the real theatrics are outside the theater, with the town invaded by bizarre tourists and mysterious tech start-up workers. There is a new normal in Checkford, if it is even really Che...
A Bread Factory: Part Two: Walk With Me A While