Within the coming decades we will be able to create AIs with greater than human intelligence, bio-engineer our species and re-design matter through nanotechnology. How will these technologies change what it means to be human? Director Doug Wolens speaks with l...
The Singularity
Internet Rising is a digi-documentary investigating the evolving relationships between the Internet and collective consciousness of humanity.
Internet Rising
A.I. guru Ben Goertzel grew up in a hippie community in Oregon during the Vietnam War. Inspired by science fiction, he imagined a perfect rational world that would transcend 1970s’ America. Ben has dedicated his life to developing OpenCog, a software that mode...
Machine of Human Dreams
Two robots, Sophia and Han, debate the future of humanity in this entertaining conversation from RISE technology conference 2017. Moderated by Ben Goertzel, renowned researcher and author in contemporary AI.
Sophia & Han - Robots
Supersapiens: the Rise of the Mind