Every year the Witching World gathers to celebrate the newly inducted witches into their world. Beatrix (12) is eager to become part of this world, but when her pending magical status is jeopardized she needs the help of her furry best friend Muggs (voiced by...
A Witches' Ball
Holiday magic has never gleamed brighter as Santa’s Elves head out on an adventure to bring every boy and girl their Christmas wish while also bringing a family back together in this heartfelt Christmas movie from Gaumont. After accidentally destroying a bag o...
48 Christmas Wishes
A shy, budding young writer attempts to shake off the torment of lost love while taking an assignment profiling an alluring club promoter, who reigns over a world of music, lights, and drag queens.
"A Christmas Carol" turns into "A Christmas Corral" as the animals of Woodsley's Farm help Oliver and his little sister June stage the classic tale to shock their Dad into embracing the spirit of the holidays.
My Dad Is Scrooge
When a tragic accident takes the life of her dog, Tara is forced to cancel her wedding. With a little help from above, their small town rallies together to make sure these two are able to have the wedding of their dreams.
Best Friend from Heaven