Rachel, a part-time call girl, is taken off the streets of Las Vegas by Navy, a high-class gigolo in search of a new way of life in Montana. Gigolos being what they are, Navy strays along the way -- with Rachel's step-sister. Rachel runs away just as Navy real...
Heaven or Vegas
In 1960s Los Angeles an energetic widow and her six children try to make a dream of theirs come true: to have a home of their own. They leave L.A. and head for the countryside, all the while facing numerous difficulties and obstacles during their journey.
A Home of Our Own
Joe, an overwrought rancher is striving from his harsh upbringing, trying make a better life for his family. When his business falters, Joe fears his son, at the age of 15, will follow in his footsteps, and decides to drive him from home.
See You in My Dreams
High school senior Mark's wildest dreams come true when he makes a simulated stock purchase that accidentally turns him into a millionaire overnight. But when he discovers that the money belongs to his girlfriend's dad, who needs the funds to save his electron...
In Your Wildest Dreams