A dark comedic drama about Ella, a 34-year-old theater costume designer who experiences the sudden death of her married lover. As she begins to frequent his Shiva and observe the life that was forbidden to her until now, Ella will get too close to his mourning...
The Other Widow
Il n'y a pas d'ombre dans le désert
La Chambre de Mariana
Heading out to a stressful day at work, Mori, a devoted family man, is completely unaware of the tragic mistake he has just made. We Had a Forest touches on an unfathomable and horrifying human failing.
We Had a Forest
It is Thursday and another war is hitting the northern part of Israel hard. Three brothers reunite in their childhood kibbutz to bury their father. Two days later the youngest has to go to war, and while he seeks guidance from his older siblings who have both...
The Dive
Ten directors, Israeli and Palestinian embarked on a journey to create short films, fiction or documentary, inspired by water.
A couple Breaks up as part of their relationship routine. He stays in the room, she leaves his house and sits on the Stairway. Each one is trying to make a decision.
Based on the turbulent life story of the poet Yona Wallach. The film focuses on the period in which she was just a young village girl, a war orphan, clawing her way through the world of Hebrew poetry. With the outbreak consciousness and transition from the vil...