The film consists of five short stories that reflect five stages (1947 — 1950 — 1957 — 1967 — 1982) the action programs of the heroine of the film, from the age of fifteen, rushed to a typical goal for that time — to smile from the front page of a central news...
Oriental Novel
For a favorable attitude from his bosses Armen is ready to give up his material welfare but not his duty, honor or conscience.
The Last Sunday
Aghun, early married by her despotic father against her will, wages a war against her husband, her family, the village, the world... She couldn't restrain even when the war is won.
Autumn Sun
Arevik is a young woman taking care of the children of a widower who is in jail, due to her testimony.
This is a story about the fate of a broken family, about the uncertainty of Ruben, who left his family, about attempts to return father, and about a series of funny, but also sad events that bring this dead-end story to a conclusion.
The Tango of Our Childhood
In their first collaboration Melkonian and cinematographer Mikhail Vartanov film two neighbour families that both claim ownership of a huge mulberry tree growing in the middle of their two houses.
The Mulberry Tree
A crane operator wins a car in a lottery and his life immediately encounters various trials and tribulations.
The Big Win