Almost 30 years since "Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum" premiered, the cast and crew of the famous children's program from the 90s reunite to talk about the backstage and the aftermath of one of the greatest achievements in Brazilian television history.
Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum: Reencontro
In six decades, Teatro Oficina has done more than revolutionize theatrical language in the country: the aesthetic influence of José Celso Martinez Corrêa's company extends from Tropicalism to the renewal of Brazilian audiovisual languages from the 1960s onwa...
Desire Machine: 60 Years of Teatro Oficina
A documentary about the educational children's TV show Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum that originally ran from 1994 to 1997 and shown to this day on Brazilian public television.
Desconstruindo o Castelo
Everything that can be imagined can be dreamed, but even the most unexpected of dreams is a puzzle that hides a desire, or the opposite, a fear.