Boys Cry is a true life based fiction film that details the tale of an African raised teenager who’s life takes an incredible turn for the worst when his peers target him for his differences in culture and ultimately force him to engage in acts that without in...
Boys Cry
In the hip Brooklyn neighborhood of Red Hook, single dad and record store owner Frank is preparing to send his hard-working daughter Sam off to college while being forced to close his vintage shop. Hoping to stay connected through their shared musical passions...
Hearts Beat Loud
A control freak finds herself without a job or sense of purpose after a car accident.
In Case of Emergency
Nick Costanzo and his brother must decide what path to pursue in the underground world of the Italian Mafia. Director David Tittone Writer David Tittone Stars David TittoneGavin FerraraStaci Klinginsmith
Directed by Nadia Zoe. With Justin L. Wilson, Ramon O. Torres, Andrea Morales, Eliud Kauffman. After losing his girlfriend's cat Alex turns to his father and a Mariachi for help.
Mariachi Madness