A young student, haunted by the memory of a mysterious figure called Coppelius who killed his father, starts to slowly lose his mind when he encounters an emotionless woman that is actually an automata, as well as a weird salesman who actually could be the man...
The Sandman
Michael is the younger son of a middle-class family, a strong-willed and free-thinking fellow, who is off in some distant country fighting for a revolutionary cause. Everyone in the family writes to him, describing the events of their lives, as they drift into...
Dear Michele
Con gli occhi dell'occidente
Geppetto the carpenter carves the object of his hidden desires out of a log: a puppet that will keep him company and will be like a son to him. He will call him Pinocchio. Imagine his surprise when he discovers that the puppet moves, as if by magic, and is gif...
The famous rock band The Paperback music is convened for a big concert at Big Depression. Arriving at their destination, no musical event seems ready for that day, but suddenly a secret passage opens to the planet Planio, where dictator Balthazar has banned al...
Acid Space
Boxes, bottles, cans. Garbage. Abandoned, ignored, inert. Until nightfall. Slim is a resigned cardboard box. but his fate changes when a kid toy box, Spark, involves him and his pals in an adventure that will change their life forever.
Trash - La leggenda della piramide magica
On October 20th, 1959, producer Giuseppe Amato is alone in a screening room, watching Federico Fellini's most famous movie. The working print is more than four-hour long. Fellini would not allow any cut, and distributor Angelo Rizzoli wants to drop the movie....
The Truth About La Dolce Vita
Magicsport - Magnetic Football