American independent filmmaker Melvin James makes his feature debut with the low-budget sports drama Honeybee. Soap opera actress Senait Ashenafi stars as Brianna Dukes, an upper middle-class college student who decides to drop out of school and become a profe...
Wisper, a successful bar owner, comes home to find his wife and children murdered. As the only black man in a white neighborhood, the police consider him a prime suspect, and Wisper is forced to try to solve the crime on his own.
American Wisper
As personal trainer Joy tries to find purpose in working with her classist, racist clients, she's plagued by unrelenting, vivid fantasies of brutally murdering said clientele.
Killer Workout
Maurice Hines, a charming, gay African-American entertainer navigates the complications of show business while grieving the loss of his more famous, often estranged younger brother, tap dance legend Gregory Hines.
Maurice Hines: Bring Them Back