Masood, freshly released from prison, is tasked with finding Saida, a cabaret dancer who has stolen a mafia's safe key, leading to chaos when a monkey named Saadan swallows the key, triggering a series of unexpected adventures.
Masood Saida and Saadan
BurnOut is a film about the grinding down of hope by the contradictory values and morals of Moroccan society and how a mere chance encounter can throw everything that is taken for granted as normal and correct into question once one has glimpsed the possibilit...
When a group of people takes a white taxi to go to Casablanca, they get in an accident that changes the course of their trip as the taxi, along with its passengers, gets held hostage by a drug dealer.
Things change in the life of the taxi driver, Alal, in terms of appearance and financial level, and he goes on many adventures with several characters through his daily life and work. تتغير الأمور في حياة سائق الأجرة (علال) من حيث الشكل والمستوى المادي، ويخوض...
Taxi Bied 2