Loulou is a coming-of-age story about Louie, a 17-year-old transgender girl struggling with her secret desire to live as a woman while being raised by a strict conservative father and insecure mother. Louie finds escape by developing a relationship with her ho...
With her husband working all the time, Kate is thankful when her brother-in-law David reappears to help out. But she soon realizes that he wants to be the new head of the family, and will do anything to make that happen.
Psycho Brother-In-Law
A pansexual, polyamorous trio kidnap a 'pray-the-gay-away' evangelical conversion therapist and torture him until he sees the light.
Conversion Therapist
Four African-American Vietnam veterans return to Vietnam. They are in search of the remains of their fallen squad leader and the promise of buried treasure. These heroes battle forces of humanity and nature while confronted by the lasting ravages of the immora...
Da 5 Bloods