The man has no job and he wanders around wearing black pair of suits visiting one funeral from another. Posing to his girlfriend that he’s on a job-hunt, he spends all day visiting funerals. Some may suspect him of condolence money thief, but he simply attends...
The third spin-off that focuses on the members of the "Yamazaki clan" who are active in the popular chivalry series "Japan Unification." The "Yamazaki clan" is a group of popular characters who are known for their "unification of Japan" and are made up of the...
Nihon Tōitsu Gaiden: Yamazaki Ichimon 3
Based on the comic book series by Jun'ichi Nôjô.
Mahjong Hishoden: Ryu the Caller - Gaiden 2
Based on the comic book series by Junichi Noujou.
Mahjong Hishoden: Ryu the Caller - Gaiden 1
Japanese action film directed by Hiroshi Ando.
Dead Beat
Kazuhiko, a graduate of a prestigious university, wasn't enjoying his life, until he takes a job at a bathhouse. Then he discovers that the baths are used as a space for killing people after closing hours.
The four Takezawa sisters discover that their father has an illegitimate child so they hire a private detective to investigate.
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