A girl takes a wild ride on the metro in Montreal. Travelling from station to station, she encounters an array of colourful characters in a bizarre musical journey that’s peppered with hilarious and unexpected incidents. This joyful, heartwarming animated film...
The Girl with the Red Beret
Recorded in 2008, direct from the Knitting Factory stage in downtown Manhattan. This The McGarrigle Christmas Hour features Kate & Anna McGarrigle, Rufus & Martha Wainwright, Emmylou Harris, Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson among others.
A Not So Silent Night
Poet, singer / songwriter and ladies man Leonard Cohen is interviewed in his home about his life and times. The interview is interspersed with archive photos and exuberant praise and live perfomances from an eclectic mix of musicians, including: Jarvis Cocker,...
Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man
Burning Ice
A Documentary feature film directed by Lian Lunson celebrating the late Kate McGarrigle.
Sing Me the Songs That Say I Love You: A Concert for Kate McGarrigle
It’s time to Canuck n’ Roll as we celebrate Canada Day with a trip through the best of the BBC’s music archives, exploring some of that great nation’s finest music stars.
Canadian Hits at the BBC
Plamondon: des mots qui résonnent
A biopic depicting the life of filmmaker and aviation pioneer Howard Hughes from 1927 to 1947, during which time he became a successful film producer and an aviation magnate, while simultaneously growing more unstable due to severe obsessive-compulsive disorde...
The Aviator
"L'Absence" – 4:00 "14th Street" – 4:33 "Harvester of Hearts" – 2:41 "Natasha" – 3:24 "The Art Teacher" – 3:34 "Hallelujah" – 4:22 "Matinee Idol" – 2:58 "Vibrate" – 3:17 "Gay Messiah" – 4:17 "Want" – 5:27 "Greek Song" – 3:52 "Foolish Love" – 5:35 "...
Rufus Wainwright: Live at the FiIlmore
À grands coups d’amour pour Gerry : 25 ans plus tard
Rallumer les étoiles à Béthanie